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来源:同济大学发展研究院  浏览次数:970 日期:2016/04/19  加入收藏

2016年3月28~30日在巴林妇女最高委员会主席、皇后Sabika Bint Ibrahim Al-Khalifa公主的赞助下,“B TO B 国际商业妇女展览与峰会”在巴林海湾四季酒店举行,200多位来自不同国家的企业家参加了此次会议。



Under the Patronage of Her Royal Highness Princess Sabika Bint Ibrahim Al-Khalifa, wife of the King of Bahrain and President of the Supreme Council for Women “B To B International Businesswomen’s Exhibition & Forum” were held on 28-30 March 2016, Four Seasons Hotel Bahrain Bay, Kingdom of Bahrain. More than 200 women entrepreneurs from different countries were joined the conference.

Prof. Dr. Lingling Li was invited by Bahrain Businesswomen’s Society to give a speech: “Empower Women’s Entrepreneurial Energy”. She shared her experience on how to educate students to go from ideas to active and practical entrepreneurs. She also gave insights about how to be more successful as a female technological entrepreneur.

She’s the head of Tongji University's Entrepreneurship Education Research Centre, trainer-coach for Investment Technology and Promotion Office (ITPO) Bahrain, the United Nation Industrial Development Organization / the Arab Regional Center for Entrepreneurship and Investment Training (UNIDO/ARCEIT), and an official expert on China’s Ministry of Education Entrepreneurship Training Steering Committee. She has founded and lectures Tongji University's Entrepreneurship and Disciplines, and Drive and Control of Entrepreneurial Energy.

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